BMR Calculator

Discover Your Basal Metabolic Rate





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Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is approximately {{bmr}}


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Understanding Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is a calculation representing the minimum energy required to sustain the vital functions of organs such as breathing (lungs), heart pumping (heart), glandular activity (brain and nervous system), waste elimination (kidneys), detoxification (liver), and basic muscular functions.

BMR is measured under conditions of rest and natural body temperature, accounting for the body's energy needs when it is awake but fully inactive, including during periods of digestion and sympathetic nervous system activity. Ideally, BMR should be assessed after approximately 8 hours of sleep and a minimum 2-hour fasting period. However, in practical terms, Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) is more commonly utilized. RMR is measured similarly to BMR but without fasting, typically after 3-4 hours of consuming food when the digestive and nervous systems are active. RMR results typically show a slight increase, approximately 10%, compared to BMR.

Typically, BMR is influenced by factors such as age, weight, and height. BMR tends to be highest in infants and decreases with age. Additionally, a decrease in height or weight corresponds to a decrease in BMR. Women generally have slightly lower BMRs compared to men. Other factors such as illness, diet, environmental temperature fluctuations, and stress can also impact BMR. When comparing BMR within a group of individuals with similar age, weight, and gender, approximately 90% fall within a 15% deviation from the average BMR. Patients with hyperthyroidism typically exhibit BMR levels 20-80% higher than the average, while those with hypothyroidism may have BMR levels 20-40% lower. Moreover, a rise in body temperature of 1 degree Celsius can lead to an approximate 13% increase in BMR.

How the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) calculator works and formula

We use the Harris-Benedict equation to calculate BMR.

BMR formula for men:

BMR = (13.75 *weight) + (5* height) - (6.76*age) + 66

BMR formula for women:

BMR = (9.56 *weight) + (1.85 *height) – (4.68 *age) + 655

RMR (Resting metabolic rate) is calculated by Mifflin equation. 
We will discuss RMR formula in the chapter of RMR calculator.

How Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) works on your daily energy

Knowing BMR, it is possible to estimate your daily required energy. Since BMR only represents the resting energy, by multiplying your BMR and an activity factor (McArdle et al 1996), eventually we can have an idea of how much calories food we are suggested to take in a day and then adjusting our weight loss/gain plan.

Active Factor (McArdle et al 1996)
Activity factorCategoryDefinitionDaily energy required (Kj/m2/h)
1.2SedentaryLittle or no exercises, desk job: =  1.2 *BMR
1.375Lightly ActiveLight exercises, 1-3 days a week: =1.375 *BMR
1.55Moderately ActiveModerate exercises, 3-5 days a week: = 1.44 *BMR
1.725Very ActiveHard exercises, 6-7 days a week: =1.725 *BMR
1.9Extremely ActiveHard daily exercises, physical job: =1.9 * BMR


Enhancing Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) varies among individuals. Some individuals find it easier to accumulate fat due to a lower BMR.

Strategies to Elevate Your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)
9 Ways to Increase BMRBenefits and Recommendations
Consume a Nutritious Breakfast
  1. Avoid skipping breakfast. After a prolonged fast during sleep, breakfast helps revitalize and activate metabolism. Skipping breakfast may signal starvation to the body, prompting it to conserve energy, resulting in a lowered metabolism.
  2. Opt for high-protein breakfast options such as milk, eggs, whole grain bread, fresh fruit, and cereal. Compared to fatty and carbohydrate-rich foods, high-protein foods require more energy for digestion, leading to a greater increase in metabolism.
Adopt Frequent, Small Meals Throughout the DayConsuming smaller, more frequent meals can stimulate the body to efficiently burn more calories. Avoid prolonged periods between meals, which may cause the body to store fat while awaiting the next meal. However, refrain from constant snacking on sugary foods like candy and cakes.
Incorporate Spicy Foods into Your DietCapsaicin found in peppers can temporarily boost the release of hormones such as epinephrine, accelerating metabolism and aiding in calorie burning.
Increase Water IntakeDrinking water can elevate metabolism and enhance bodily functions. Aim to consume 7-8 glasses (1500 cc) of water daily, preferably cold water. The body expends additional energy to warm up cold water, further contributing to calorie expenditure.
Prioritize Regular and Adequate SleepEnsure quality sleep between 11:00 pm to 5:00 am, as this period facilitates organ detoxification, including the liver, gallbladder, lungs, and skin. Adequate and consistent sleep can enhance organ metabolism.
Practice Deep Breathing TechniquesDeep breathing facilitates oxygen intake and carbon dioxide release, promoting metabolism and blood purification. Incorporating deep breathing exercises can enhance oxygen intake, accelerating metabolism.
Engage in Aerobic Exercises
  1. Aerobic exercises maintain a heart rate of 150 times per minute, ensuring adequate oxygen supply to the cardiac muscles. Oxygen facilitates the oxidation of body sugars, fat consumption, and improves cardiovascular and pulmonary function. Aim for aerobic sessions lasting at least 1 hour, 3 to 5 times per week.
  2. Recommended aerobic exercises include jogging and cycling.
Incorporate Plyometric Exercises
  1. Plyometric exercises, also known as "jump training," enhance running speed, explosive power, and agility, thereby increasing metabolism.
  2. For instance, during jogging, incorporate 30-second sprints every 5 minutes or incline walking for 1 minute intervals.
Include Resistance Training
  1. Resistance training boosts the release of epinephrine and dopamine, promoting fat burning.
  2. Examples of resistance training include heavy lifting.


Understanding Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolism is the intricate process that maintains the body's normal functions. Metabolic syndrome refers to a cluster of risk factors that heighten the likelihood of developing serious health conditions, including diabetes and heart disease (such as heart attack, cardiac issues, or stroke). Heart disease encompasses a range of conditions affecting the heart and circulatory system.

Risk Factors for Metabolic Syndrome
FactorsRisk Thresholds
BMI (Body Mass Index)>25
Fasting Blood Glucose> 6.1 mmol/L
Postprandial Blood Sugar>7.8 mmol/L
Blood Pressure> 140/90 mm HG
Fasting Plasma Triglyceride >1.7 mmol/L
Fasting Plasma High Density Lipoprotein >0.9mmol/L (men) or >1.0mmol/L (women)

Note: mmol = millimol(e) (one-thousandth of a gram molecule)

Individuals with larger waistlines (e.g., women beyond 88 cm, men beyond 94 cm) and those afflicted with conditions such as angiocardiopathy, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), arthrolithiasis, polycystic ovary syndrome, secondary diabetes, hypertension, or dyslipidemia, are at heightened risk of developing metabolic syndrome. Moreover, individuals over the age of 40 with a family history of genetic predispositions may also be susceptible.

Lifestyle modifications such as adopting a nutritious diet and engaging in regular physical activity can help prevent or delay the onset of metabolic syndrome.